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"A Being that awakens your consciousness produces a carrier wave of deep

and true transformation for Himself and Humanity "

* In Time without Time Infinite Space of the Heart *


We are visionary Beings who explore the internal and external realities, achieving a synthesis of the knowledge received with the sound, besides writing articles for the awakening of the conscience and The Crystal Book, Messenger of the Universal Sound.


We feel the importance of making the Kingdom of the Spirit more real, and expanding the vision so that the invisible becomes more visible to many. We experienced different revelations and transformations in different levels in a spontaneous and natural way, that woke us up from the dream of illusion.


As an irrefutable mandate, from this change, we committed ourselves to transmit a message of peace and return to the spiritual values ​​accompanying these processes in many people. For more than 20 years we have led a life of service creating many projects and group movements for the construction of a more authentic and peaceful life model, carrying out activities with very innovative and futuristic characteristics and patterns, which provide practical tools for the development of the quality of life of people and society.


These activities are carried out through experiential workshops and seminars, meditations, concerts, performances, talks and coexistence in the Ashram.


We have been inspirers of the Manifest of Light and the City of Light consciousness movement that expands towards all of humanity.


We are currently researching, growing, expanding the different realities. Being disciples of a new way of life that is expressed and manifested in the gestation of Mahuá Ashram in Laguna del Sauce in Uruguay.

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