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Blue Light
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Blue Light * Light Body * Activaction

A Journey of Light, Sacred Geometry and Sound.

With the sounds of this CD you will be able to take a journey through the 5 elements, light, sound and sacred geometry.


Blue Light is a CD of Inspired Music created with the sounds of Crystal Bowls, Didjeridoos, Rain Sticks, Tingshas, ​​Buzzers and harmonic mantra chants in different tones, harmonies and vibrational frequencies that act at various levels and help connect with memory cell phone and achieve Inner Peace.


This Cd was created for the Natural Light Body Activation.

Through these sounds, you will begin a deep inner journey and the awakening of light consciousness will begin naturally.


These sounds were recorded from a state of Unity Consciousness and as you delve into them, they will transmit information, images, raising the vibrational frequency of the body so that your cells remember their original state of purity, love, joy and unity.


The light body is activated when your heart opens to give and receive love as you inhale and exhale this awareness in every moment of life and learn to stay in it.


In this CD the light of our hearts is manifested to

accompany you in your own process of awakening the body of light.


In love Mar & Sebas from the Blue Space of the universal heart.

Attune to the Body of Light from your Heart

Blue Light
A Journey of Light, Sacred Geometry and Sound.


We are part of the NEW EARTH
That is brewing in the Infinite Matrix
We are reborn in a BODY OF LIGHT
Starting the return trip in the CRISTAL SHIP
Receive the sacred sounds of the BLUE MESSENGERS in all your cells.
Breathing emanations of liquid light, colors, geometries, sent through the portals of ORION AND SIRIUS.
GOLDEN CODES of being are revealed IN LOVE
Opening you to the path of ASCENSION.

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