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Soul Psychedelia

Meditative Performance to resonate with the Universe

Psychedelia means manifesting the Soul.


An interactive experience that evokes the energy of the present from the vibrational

through songs and sounds, which enables us to dimensions

deepest of ourselves.


Soul Psychedelia changes shape by molding according to energy

of people and places.


The songs and sounds are inspirations that flow in the resonance waves

among souls ...


Vibrational instruments, didjeridoo, gongs, native flutes are used,

shamanic drum, guitar, crystal bowls and others.


Each Being emits a note ... a unique vibration that you can manifest

to feel free, open your mind connected to your Heart.


Dare to immerse yourself in the experience ...


... As real and concrete as subtle and intangible ...


... As magical and unlimited as each one allows ...



Live this experience in Mahuá Ashram or organize one in your city.

Alma Psicodelia


Vibrational Music for your inner journey

Every body in the Universe issues a note.

A unique vibration that resonating with other bodies creates music.


That is why we want to invite you to discover your note,
the vibrational key in which your Being resonates,
so that you are part of this universal symphony.


This process requires making the CONNECTION ...
For the energy of the Infinite Light Source to flow.



Inspiring us, nurturing us, regenerating us in an endless dance….


For more than 15 years we have carried out Ceremonies, Meditations and Concerts in different cities and countries.


These concerts help raise the vibrational frequency,
allowing us to access states of consciousness in Unity with Humanity,
the Planet and Creation.

Live this experience in Mahuá Ashram or organize one concert in your city.

Medicina de Sonido

Sound Medicine

Quantum Medicine * The Science of Love

It is an experience guided from a state of unity consciousness, a state that is beyond the mind, where the limitless manifests on the plane of matter, synchronizing our life with the essence that we are.


This form of Medicine is performed through the Sound of ancient instruments and the voice and allows us to install a new vibrational pattern, which restores, revitalizes,
reorders the energy systems of the subtle bodies and the physical in a natural way.


We channel a song and key to the internal process of each person.
A frequency that enables the fluidity of the energy itself.


As the vibration of our cells rises we enter a space of expanded consciousness where we begin to experience the invisible or subconscious world.


Sound is a powerful stimulus that activates cellular functions, creating the necessary conditions for the restoration of health.
Sounds generate conscious electromagnetic wave fields that interact with the body and penetrate deep into the nucleus
of cells, producing changes and transformations at different levels.


In our experience of so many years investigating the effect of sound,
we discover that a Being who awakens his consciousness produces a wave carrying deep and true transformation for Himself and Humanity.

Experience a personal or group session at Mahuá Ashram

or organize one in your city.


Vibrational Medicine Seminars

Awareness and Reconnection with BEING

Initiation to the Sound of Crystal Bowls

Intensive seminars at the Temple of Sound in MAHUÁ ASHRAM
where we transmit the experience received with the crystalline frequencies
and the sound of crystal bowls...


You will consciously start learning to sound the bowls,
enter its resonance, its chromatic
and to expand the natural and magical vibrations of these instruments.


An initiation to sound and vibrations
connecting with the crystal frequencies of the bowls
experiencing Unity Consciousness.

Participate in the Seminars in Mahuá Ashram or organize them in your city.

Yoga Dance

Yoga dance

Celebrate Life

An inspiration that integrates dance, yoga, body alignment, voice and music.


Through simple movements we recreate life itself

in resonance with the deep states of consciousness.


A freestyle experience, which values ​​the ancestral,

to align the physical body and the subtle bodies.


Learn to observe us with special attention without identifying ourselves

giving us the opportunity to create our lives step by step by enabling presence.


Express your own rhythm to feel the dance as the entrance to a sacred space.

Experience a personal or group session at Mahuá Ashram

or organize one in your city.

Ocean experience

Dive into the Ocean of Consciousness

The oceans are multidimensional portals.


We channel a song and key to the internal process of each person.
A frequency that enables the fluidity of the energy itself.

As the vibration of our cells rises we enter a space of expanded consciousness where we begin to experience the invisible or subconscious world.

The Oceanic Experience are vibrational atmospheres with sounds of the protective spirits of water, nature and dolphins and whales in their aquatic habitat.
A multidimensional journey through sound to get inside
in the aquatic nature of the human being.

Remembering the original vibration of the cosmic uterus.

Sounds generate conscious electromagnetic wave fields that interact with the body and penetrate deep into the nucleus
of cells, producing changes and transformations at different levels.

In our experience of so many years investigating the effect of sound,
we discover that a Being who awakens his consciousness

produces a wave carrying deep and true transformation for Himself and Humanity.


Dive into a personal or group experience at Mahuá Ashram

or organize one in your city.


Light rebirth

In a Womb of Sound Vibrations

An invitation to Reborn in a Womb of Sound Vibrations

A gift for the individual and collective Soul that in this Present

is being impregnated by the Original Blue Fire.

Remember our original state to start a change in our lives.

Give us the opportunity to be Born again in a State of Consciousness
Unity with Existence... Peace and Joy.

The Renaissance is guided from this state of Unity through vibrational instruments such as Crystal Bowls ... Gongs ... Didjeridoo ... native flutes...


An energy delivery channel is opened through the voice...

that expresses a song in the frequency that each Being needs to be reborn.



The instruments that will allow us to carry out this RENAISSANCE
they create a LIGHT MATRIX of loving containment to Reborn in the Spirit.

They are Sounds that connect us with the subtlest planes of Consciousness and help to quiet the mind by inducing an Inner Journey through Vibration...



The Crystal Bowls emit Color Codes ... Sound and Geometries that remind us of the holographic patterns through which life is designed and expressed from the smallest atom to the huge Galaxies...



Our cells will be impregnated with light, revitalized, purified to start the New Dawn in our life knowing that this state achieved internally influences the life of all beings!


The experience lasts three hours and is carried out in groups of three through which the energy of the Father Mother Son Trinity is manifested.

Live this experience in Mahuá Ashram or organize one in your city.

Renacimiento de Luz
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